What is a Level-Sill Spillway? - John Kaisner The Natural Farmer The Natural Farmer 5:10 4 years ago 20 134 Далее Скачать
Permaculture Swale review after 2 inches of rain Peter Hartman 9:01 9 years ago 179 923 Далее Скачать
Urban Swales: Construction, Spillways & Catchbasin (pt 2) VergePermaculture 5:54 8 years ago 14 675 Далее Скачать
Large swale in action PermEco Inc. at the Kendall Permaculture Farm 4:50 11 years ago 14 218 Далее Скачать
Permaculture Project Swales and Spillway in the Rain PermaculturePA 1:33 11 years ago 36 139 Далее Скачать
"Key-line swale" with #2 level sill spillway along a key-line João Gonçalves 1:13 6 years ago 414 Далее Скачать
Hand digging earthworks. Connecting the permaculture pond to adjustable swales, and a new spillway. Cairn Of Dunn Croft Permaculture 21:09 4 years ago 1 085 Далее Скачать
Permaculture Inspired Ponds & Swales 2 BEDurVEG Hardwood Garden Beds 12:08 2 years ago 51 189 Далее Скачать
Ponds Swales Canals spillways bioremediation and beaver dams Kevin Wallace 47:36 6 years ago 407 Далее Скачать